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We've curated a collection of content focusing on Marketing (including some on sales) to help you reach and convert your customers!
Event Recording: How Duolingo grew from 1M to 300M
Marketing & Growth was the topic for the 4th Session of the Brighteye Edtech Startup Festival - Looking at How Duolingo grew from 1M to 300M
Cold to Gold: How to Build a Winning Pipeline
A guide on mastering the processes of lead generation and qualification, fundamental to achieving scalable and sustainable growth.
Designing an Effective Sales Funnel
For startups eager to scale quickly and efficiently, a well-designed sales funnel is an absolute game-changer. Read the guide!
Getting the Most Out of Your CRM
CRMs are the cornerstones of building scalable processes, deepening customer relationships and boosting profitability. Read the guide!
Growing Your Presence with Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is a helpful tool for startups looking to build their brand profile, all while working within lean budgets.
The State of Edtech Marketing 2022
The 4th edition of our State of Edtech Marketing report dives into the insights of 40+ Edtech marketing specialists based across Europe.
The State of EdTech Marketing 2021
Discover the insights of 55 EdTech CMOs and founders, and 6 key marketing learnings for 2020 and 2021.
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