Happy Tuesday, friends ⛄️,
The New Year is well underway, and having recharged with friends and family at year-end, we see renewed enthusiasm from Edtech founders and investors alike to build and connect in 2024!
As always at Brighteye, the end of January will see the launch of our European Edtech Funding Report 2024 💰. The report is coming together and we will share 🎤 the results with you all next week, on Tuesday 30 January.
For those of you who can’t wait until the end of January, a week of Edtech activities in London is taking place this week around BETT, the annual London trade fair focused on educational software for 🎒 schools and 🎓 universities, including an already overbooked Investor-Founder Mixer we are co-hosting tomorrow, on 24 January.
Check out our quick update below, including:
We are Hiring - Associate for our Paris office
Selected News from the Portfolio – Stargazing with Unistellar
Insights – How to make the best use of your raised cash
Events – Join the European Edtech Funding Report Launch
🧤 Please enjoy - and we’ll hopefully see you in London or online in the next few days and weeks!!
The Brighteye Team
🇫🇷 Associate for our Paris office
We are looking for an Associate for the Paris office. We are looking 🔎 for a talented Associate to join us to help find and nurture founders building 🧱 the next generation of companies enhancing learning.
The ideal candidate has a proven love for startups/VC, a strong interest in Edtech and is looking for a collaborative environment to build an investing career over the long term. The position is a Partner-track opportunity and will provide unparalleled exposure to the 🌍 European Edtech ecosystem!
⭐️ Stargazing with Unistellar
Our French portco Unistellar attended CES Las Vegas last week, where they presented their brand new range of Odyssey 🔭 telescopes. The new generation of smart telescopes opens up to exploring the mysterious immensity that extends beyond our terrestrial horizon, revealing the farthest celestial marvels and instantly transforming your stargazing evenings into adventures across the 🪐 cosmos, even in the middle of the city. Full release here!
💸 Managing Money
You have secured funding 👏 for your startup - now how do you manage your money?
Disciplined cash management is paramount not just because investors will expect regular tallies of where your cash balance stands relative to expectations, but, more importantly, because cash is a finite resource, deploying it effectively buys you more time to iterate and grow 🚀.
In this blog post, our Head of Finance Mattheus Dias shares his 5 best practices for making the best use of your cash after successfully closing your funding round.
💻 The European Edtech Funding Report Launch 2024
Like every year, January at Brighteye means the publication of our annual European Edtech Funding Report. Please join us as we are launching this year’s results at an online event on Tuesday 30 January at 3-3.45pm GMT – we are looking forward to seeing you there!
📚 AI in L&D Community Meetups
Curious about AI in Learning & Development? We are, so we are excited to have teamed up with team Mindstone for a series of Community Meetups on the subject.
Join us for the first one in London on Tuesday 13 February 2024 to “Experience first-hand how AI is not just shaping, but revolutionising L&D.” Register now to save your spot – and keep watching this space for the March and April editions!
🇬🇧 Edtech buzz in London all week
Bett is back to its January normal after a couple of years of happening in March. This means that Edtech delegations from across the globe 🌏 are descending on London this week. We will join panels and presentations, meetings and events, and we’d love to catch up ☕️ if you are around - please let us know. Our own Mixer event that we are co-hosting with our friends at Owl Ventures, Educapital and Sparkmind VC is wildly oversubscribed 💥, so with a long waitlist, we are doing all we can to accommodate as many as we possibly can within our limited capacity for now.